+30% of traffic on shopping campaigns for Natalys

Natalys is a French brand created in 1953, known and recognized for the preparation of the birth.


The brand makes its own textile, furniture and decoration creations and sells childcare products.


Since 2018, the brand has readapted its positioning with the aim of emphasising its ‘premium’ brand image.

  • Industry


  • Type


  • Market


  • Size


  • Revenue

    5,04 millions euros (2022)

  • Used by

    E-Commerce Manager

  • Product used

    icon netAmplify

A successful multi-channel and international marketing strategy



conversion rate on shopping campaigns



of traffic on shopping campaigns

Challenges & objectives before Lengow

Before using the Lengow platform, Natalys wanted to develop its digital strategy, to gain visibility and to increase its sales.

The brand decided to start working with Lengow in order to limit the costs and resources linked to the development of internal product feeds.

With a product catalogue of more than 5000 items, Natalys needed a simple, practical solution to quickly gain visibility by making it easy to broadcast its catalogue online on different distribution channels.

Solutions provided by Lengow

The platform allows Natalys to optimise its feeds by enriching descriptions or by anticipating errors such as items refused on distribution channels.

Today, thanks to Lengow, the company can connect to several marketing channels such as Facebook, Google Shopping, Pinterest Shopping Ads, Instagram and Wizville, all in just a few clicks.

At Natalys, three people regularly use the Lengow solution: the e-commerce manager, the web merchandising manager and the digital project manager.

For the brand, the number of channels already present in the Lengow platform and the possibility to optimise product information by channel represents a real added value.

Business benefits

Promotion of a catalogue of +5000 products on 6 channels, in a few clicks and at a lower cost

Optimisations thanks to easy-to-implement automatic rules enabling digital teams to manage feeds without technical knowledge

Increased profitability of shopping campaigns: +115% conversion rate & +30% traffic for new shopping campaigns in Europe

International development (UK, Belgium & Germany) via the Lengow solution

At Natalys, the distribution of the product catalogue is a major challenge to enable us to develop internationally. Lengow has helped us to share our feed very easily with a large number of partners already present in the platform.

Raphaël Benmussa

E-Commerce Manager


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