Through its Partner programme, the Zalando platform offers professional retailers the possibility of joining its marketplace, and benefiting from all the advantages made available by one of the largest e-commerce sites in Europe.

On the Zalando marketplace, professional retailers are known as “partners”. They offer their items to consumers directly via the platform – hence the name “Partner programme”. In what way will this partnership boost your product sales? 

In concrete terms, thanks to the Zalando marketplace, you can benefit from:

  • direct access to over 35 million active users in 17 European countries (450 million visitors every month, all potential customers);
  • easy access to foreign markets that entail complex logistics;
  • enhanced digital visibility for all your products;
  • a partnership that leaves you in full control of your stock, products offered for sale, prices, logistics and brand image; 
  • improved customer satisfaction as Zalando guarantees optimal delivery conditions; 
  • a logistics and return solution (Zalando Fulfillment Solutions);
  • a 360° marketing offer (Zalando Marketing Services), to help generate more sales, win over new customers, boost your reputation and visibility, and better understand consumer behaviour thanks to the data provided by the platform.

In return, Zalando asks for “compensation” for each sale made, that varies between 5 and 25% depending on the product’s value and category.

Over 650 professionals already work with Zalando via the Partner programme. Lengow can help you connect to the marketplace and ensure your products comply with the programme’s requirements, thanks to a well-adapted flow. All you need to do is manage your orders!

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