
Start selling products on Galeries Lafayette straight away!

Through this guide, you will find all the information on Galeries Lafayette marketplace. You can get an overview of the product categories and brands sold on the platform. You will also find information on the customer profile, the business model and the different services provided by Galeries Lafayette. Finally you will get an explanation on how Lengow can help you integrate this marketplace or improve your visibility.

In this document we explain:

  • Key figures
  • Visibility offered to retailers
  • Specificities of the marketplace
  • Our advice to optimise your product catalogue on the marketplace

This guide is for you:

  • You have an online store or you manage an online business, and you’re looking for information on new channels
  • You want to sell your products on marketplaces
  • You’re already selling on marketplaces, and you want to optimise your presence and/or be more efficient